




(BBC艺术经典三部曲,理想国) [英]肯尼斯·克拉克 - 文明-中国美术学院出版社 (2019).pdf

Kenneth Clark - Civilisation_ A Personal View-Harper & Row (1969).pdf

@Bruce : for fellow e-ink reader users,

Civilisation (Kenneth Clark).epub

BBC艺术经典三部曲套装(《文明》《新艺术的震撼》《艺术的力量》) .epub



The skin of our teeth,官方翻译为九死一生,有没有什么更好的译法?大家对这个怎么理解?什么是牙齿的皮肤?牙皮?

Skin of my teeth

<aside> 💡 Skin of my teeth (Hebrew: עוֹר שִׁנָּי ‘ōr šinnāy) is a phrase from the Bible. In Job 19:20, the King James Version of the Bible says, "My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth." In the Geneva Bible, the phrase is rendered as "I have escaped with the skinne of my tethe."[1] The verse from Job 19:20 can be resolved as follows: In the first clause, the author uses the Hebrew `or in its usual sense of "skin", associating it with "flesh" and "bones". In the second clause, he uses the Hebrew or as derived from the Arabic ghar / "the bones in which the teeth are set (Latin: os maxilla and os mandibula)". Therefore, the correct reading is: "My skin and flesh cling to my bones, and I am left with (only) my gums," giving us a stark description of the advanced stage of Job's disease.[2] In modern times, "by the skin of my teeth" is used to describe a situation from which one has barely managed to escape or achieve something;[3][4] a close call.


the skin of our teeth 死里逃生

@Bruce :千钧一发 or 命悬一线?